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Brands We Service

Our Dishwasher Repair Service

Remember when you were a child and had to wash the dishes by hand? Yeah, we do too! Once we have a dishwasher, we shouldn’t have to go back to traditional life, and waste more water than needed too. In today’s modern-day, you have us, Protech Appliance Solutions to come and save the day, today!

The good news is that we’re here to support and service our Coquitlam and surrounding areas to help with your dishwasher repair!

Our team of top-rated professionals is available and on call 24/7. Rain or shine, emergency, or just a consult, we’ll be there in no time.

Call us or fill out our online form, or chat to schedule your expert service call today!

When to Call the Pros

The best time to call our team to your Coquitlam residence is at the first sign of issues. Failure to address small problems early on can result in more costly repairs later…or worse yet, the need for complete replacement.

Here are a few key indicators you need to give us a call about:

Abnormal Noises or Increased Volume of Noise

Both are indicative that something isn’t right. It could be something as simple as a belt needing to be tightened, loose pump housing or bushings, or a worn washer arm bearing. Either way, we’ll get to the bottom of it.


Water can be a mess to clean up, but more than that, it can damage floors, carpets wood cabinets and can increase the chances of mold buildup. If you notice a leak, don’t let it fester. Give us a call before that little moisture problem turns into a whole lot of auxiliary damage.

Failure to Turn On

This is a common one. And unless it’s something serious, an issue that we can often fix on-site during the same visit. This issue may be the cause of faulty motor relays or thermal fuses, malfunctioning door switches/latches, timers, sensors, or other electronic controls.

Door Don’t Latch/Close

This one is a simple fix most time. Typically we can repair this during the same-day visit with a simple door latch repair kit.

Failure to Drain

Failure to drain not only hinders the use of your dishwasher but also can lead to mold and bacteria growth. Our technicians will evaluate things like the drain pump, drain timer, hose and motor.

handyman fixing dishwasher

Don’t Risk Your Health

An often overlooked aspect of a faulty dishwasher is the impact it can have on your health. Dishwashers are designed to clean at a certain temperature and pressure set to help kill and eliminate dangerous bacteria and mold.

Improperly functioning dishwashers can result in:

  • Bacteria and residue
  • Soapy films left behind on dishes (you don’t want to eat off of that)
  • Mold build-up due to improper drainage

Common Appliance Brands We Service

Our team is highly adept at troubleshooting and finding out exactly what’s wrong no matter what make or model you have in your Winnipeg home.

That said, here are some of the most common brands we work with:

Speed Queen

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